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#93 Meeting

Hello, everyone! Our #93 meeting was held on September 1st via Zoom with 9 members and 6 guests from New Jersey, North Carolina and Texas in USA, Finland, and Kyoto and Kanagawa prefecture in Japan.

The meeting theme was GADGET as September 3 is the birthday of Doraemon, the main character of "Doraemon: The Gadget Cat from the Future". Incidentally, his year of birth is 2112. He has a lot of attractive and innovative tools, gadgets, in his 4D pocket.

In keeping with the meeting theme, Word of the Day was set to NOVEL.

This time, we had a slightly different agenda as we introduced a section, "Agree or Disagree". It is to allow designated speakers to talk about the assigned statements for one minute from either an affirmative or a negative point of view. The following claims were actually presented as subjects. We were nominated at random, and the participants spoke one after another, and eventually all of us made a statement, which was very exciting.

・It's better to be single than marriage

・It’s better to be the follower than the leader

・Big salary is more important than job satisfaction

・Vitamin and mineral supplements provide the benefit they promise

・There should be an extra tax on unhealthy food

・If you feel unwell, you should go to the doctor

・Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation skills in learning English or any other languages

In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 6 topics were asked.

Please make some comment related to the famous line in popular movie, hopefully including your own experience.

・”Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” -The Godfather Part

・”Fortune favors bolds.” -Bohemian Rhapsody

・”Do or do not! There is no try.” -Star Wars

・”There is no place like home!” -The Wizards of Oz

・”It is not our ability that show what we truly are, Harry, it is our choices.” -Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

・”Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” -Forrest Gump

In Prepared Speech Session, TM Anita, shared with us her family and her family's annual events, showing us pictures. Her story was vivid and we learned much more about her than we ever had before.

After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to our guest, Ms. Denis. There were only one speaker this time, so we did not vote for the Best Evaluator.

We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks, on September 15th!


Who we are >

We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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