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#106 meeting

Hello, everyone! Our #106 meeting was held on March 16th via Zoom with 10 members and 2guests.

March is graduation season in Japan, so the theme of this meeting was GRADUATION. The meeting started with a Small Talk Session where everyone shared their updates.

Word of the Day was set to COMPOSED.

In Prepared Speech Session, we had only one speaker today. TM Kimiko shared her thoughts after several months of blogging and offered suggestions for the future. These suggestions were generally welcomed.

Since there was only one prepared speech today, we had enough time for additional session called "AGREE OR DISAGREE". In this session, participants were given the following topics and had one or two minutes to express opinions of designated side.

・It is beneficial for workers to change work often.

・Social media has improved human communication.

・Homework should be banned.

・On-line grocery shopping will become more popular in the future.

・Violent video game should be banned.

・Human cloning should be legalized.

In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 6 topics were provided related to today's theme.

・What is the memorable word your teacher said to you (or memorable teacher) when did you graduate?

・Are there any local customs for graduation ceremonies that you have experienced (or you would like to experience)?

・What word comes to mind when you hear the word “graduation”?

・If you could graduate from anything in your life today, what would you like to graduate?

・What is the most memorable graduation event that you have ever had?

・What would you like to say to the graduates if you were invited to a graduation ceremony as a special guest speaker?

Today, in addition to the Table Topic Speeh Session, we had AGREE OR DISAGREE session, which made for a more exciting time, as impromptu speeches took up much of the meeting time.

After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to our guest, Mr.Jeremy. We did not vote on the evaluators this time because there was only one speaker.

We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you next time, on April 6th!


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