Hello, everyone! Our #110 meeting was held on May 18th via Zoom with 10 members and 2 guests from Germany and India.
The theme of this meeting was FORERUNNING. The meeting started with a Small Talk Session where everyone shared how they were spending time these days.
Word of the Day was set to PIONEER.

In Prepared Speech Session, we had two speakers today.
1st speaker, TM Arsenii, talked about how constraints create a better us. His speech, which concluded with Nietzsche's words, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" pushed us to be positive in our day-to day lives that doesn't turns out as planned.
2nd speaker, TM Kazuko, told a story “The Story of the Stonecutter”. She told this story in a vivid way and then left us with a wonderful moral. ”We should not seek something outside of ourselves to make us happy. We should see happiness within us. Be content what we have. Be happy.”
In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 6 topics were provided related to today's theme.
・Have you ever had a predictive dream?
・If you pioneered a new field what would it be?
・If you had an ability to predict something what would you do?
・Nightmares are often said a sign of good events. Have you ever had a nightmare before any good events?
・If you pioneered a new service what would it be?
・If you pioneered a new technology what would it be?
After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to TM Dermot.
It was another fun meeting with diverse members. Looking forward to seeing you next time, on June 1st!
