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#5 Meeting

It was another fun meeting today that we talked much more than usual and absolutely we all get rejuvenated!

We welcomed a special guest today, Mikiko san from Tokushima. She kindly joined us with her interests in online meeting opportunity and we had fun time together via internet. Other than Mikiko san, Asami san from Fukuoka, TM Drian from Kawasaki and Yukimasa from Tokyo joined the meeting.

We started by self-introduction each other. It was good to know that Mikiko san is joining meetings in Tokushima and Matsuyama.

And introduced how we do in online meetings as similar as possible with the regular face-to-face meetings by using ZOOM functions.

For example, chat function for feedbacks, polling for voting, video for facial expressions and body languages and so forth. ZOOM is tremendously capable to hold online meetings.

Today's word of the day was "Rejuvenate". Asami san introduced this word with two meanings and many examples so that we could use this word as much as possible, especially in funny expressions. We enjoyed a lot with this word.

The prepared session was by TM Drian. He delivered CC manual #9 project, Persuade with Power. The title was "Falling on my feet." The title is a very good expressions to remember. His story was from his actual experiences in London. And he delivered with full of humorous taste. We could imagine so vividly the experience he had and he shared us the good lesson in life with the expression of falling on one's feet. It was awesome speech again.

We also had table topic session today with the "Word of this year." We shared many personal experienced together, including bitter and sweet ones. And we polled Asami san as the best table topic speaker today.

We also had the evaluation session. And we had great feedback from Mikiko san, who joined as the guest today. Moreover, Mikiko san introduced us a new word, "Recuperate". It was nice to have two word of the day today.

We extended a little by chatting together and we were really rejuvenated each other. Online meeting is actually a fun. We are always welcoming any people to join. We have just started.

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