The last meeting, we had a guest from Tokushima, who was our Division G Director, Mikiko Bando san.
Kindly she promoted our activity to her Division members and strongly she supported us. In the reply of her contact, I informed that I would visit Matsuyama as my business trip on December 12th, then she introduced me to Matsuyama TMC members in the meeting on December 10th.
This was a kind of miracle and three of Matsuyama TMC members are interested in my visit in Matsuyama town and shared their time at lunch time.
From left to right; TM Yasuko Okabe, Secretary and TM Ike Yamamura, Area 72 director. And TM Kyoko Ando, the President, unfortunately had another appointment but she kindly arranged this session.
The meeting was so fantastic. TM Ike precisely introduced me how Matsuyama TMC are doing and how they formed and became chartered. It was really a motivational story to hear and I enjoyed a lot.
TM Yasuko shared me many stories about her sons who are eager to learn English and many experiences in TMC activities. All the stories were so interesting to know about how the members are doing.
They are so lovely and friendly people with admirable hospitality. I wish I could go back soon again.
It was great opportunity to meet with toastmaster friends and neighbors. And this was really amazing thing to have a meet-up opportunity although we just have online meetings. Opportunities are everywhere as long as we are taking actions.