It was a jovial meeting, indeed! We had a fantastic meeting with another surprising and entertaining discoveries last night.
First, we had a new member, Miyuki san! Miyuki san finally decided to join our club after visiting Chofu Free Flight TMC on Saturday. She could have the experience to know how Toastmasters meetings are organized and how valuable to challenge. Due to some schedule conflicts, our club suits her well and she selected us to join.
Although we had some cancellations on the spot due to busy schedule, we could enjoyed the meeting with six members. The amazing thing was that all the cancellations were informed beforehand with some apologies. This is really fantastic how the members are caring this club! Kaoru san, Naoki san, Miyuki san, Mikiko san, Drian and Yukimasa joined.
First we started a small talk session. This was a good attempt to know each other among members. All stories were interesting, trip to Vietnam, new projects and challenges, etc.
We had the word of the day as "Jovial". Even the grammarian, Asami san, could not join due to her schedule, but she prepared the word and explaining document in advance and we could share her selection. We enjoyed learning how to use "jovial" and used a lot. Appreciated for Asami san's efforts.
We had two prepared speakers. The first prepared speaker, Naoki san, shared his presentation slides and it went well. Unfortunately, I was so clumsy to share the control to him and took time, Drian entertained us and eased my pressure. This was the first time that speaker shared his presentation slides on the display. Naoki san's story was Entertaining Speaker Project #1 The Entertaining speech, "Train trip with Indian friends." The speech was so heartfelt one and so fun and entertaining. Especially we could know what is Indian Titanic. He shared us a wonderful story with his beautiful and well structured visual slides.
The second speaker, Drian, demonstrated his improvising speech of Competent Communicator manual #10 Inspire Your Audience, "Choose!". The speech came out from his mind map idea and he asked all the members to provide what we want to listen. And he arranged the speech to include all the wished elements and successfully completed in wonderful order. Valentine's day, dramatic, funny, difference, all the elements were combined and mixed in good manner with humor.
Then we had table topic session by Mikiko san, who served us as the table topic master! All the members including Mikiko san had table topic speeches and it was so fun to share with all. Mikiko san prepared the questionnaires well and entertained us a lot. We had voting as usual after the session.
The next was Evaluation session and we had two impromptu evaluators. Kaoru san for Naoki san and Miyuki san for Drian. It was amazing that both of evaluators delivered fabulous evaluation speeches on spot! And we did voting after the speeches. It was also our first time to have all voting in the meeting. Thank you very much for all to contribute the meeting.
We had a brief business session to inform "Promoter 7" and had member comments in closing.
Diversity Toastmasters Club is really wonderful club with warm and caring atmosphere inside and outside of the meeting. We are enjoying this invaluable opportunity and continue to hold meetings onward.