Hello. I’m a new writer on this blog. It’s nice to see you ;)
I hope you will be more interested in our club and enjoy reading each article.

Today we have…..
Attendees: 8 members & 4 guests
Word of the Day : array
Examples of Useful Expressions from Grammarian Report :
- be forced to choose
- moment of destiny
- more challenging tasks, more rewarding
1 prepared speech titled ‘First Encounter’ and its evaluation
Table topic session ( impromptu speech ) theme: small world
First off, I was surprised to find out that more people joined our club as a member and more guests attended the meeting tonight than the previous one. There were only 2 members at our very first meeting 5 month ago, though. Interestingly enough, those present at the meeting have a wide ARRAY of talents, skills and personalities.
We started with our self-introduction. One member decided to go on a diet. Another member is planning to go to Cambodia. He must find a chance to introduce our Diversity Toastmaster Club there during his trip?! 3 members have suffered from hay fever but participated in the meeting wearing a surgical mask. How dedicated to our club they are! I am one of them ;) Everyone was in a jovial manner!
Our new guests are from another Shikoku area and Kansai area. One lady works at a pharmaceutical company and has few chances to speak English. But she spoke English very well so that we enjoyed listening. The other lady teaches Japanese to people from other countries. Wow! They added their colorful tint to our Diversity Toastmasters Club. Thanks!
Then Yukimasa san described over all programs and explained how to use effectively ZOOM functions. We followed his explanation and tried becoming familiar with those convenient tools.
After that, Bruce san, who was in charge of Word of the Day, explained his role and shared the word of the day, "Arrary." What an amazing thing was that he used Chat function in sharing the detail of the meaning of the word. It was really creative thing that we can follow. Thank you, Bruce san!
The time has come for Miyuki san to make her first prepared speech. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. Is this her very FIRST speech??? She looked very confident during her speech with eye contacts, gestures, and vocal variety in appropriate manner. She shared her experienced from her early age to what she is now. I am sure that all of us got a clear picture of her speech and wanted to know more about her. Thanks a lot for sharing your tantalizing stories with us, Miyuki san.
Now, Kaoru san, it’s your turn to evaluate her speech. Personally she is one of my role models. Her beautiful English is literally music to my ears. Additionally, she mentioned more than 3 good points of Miyuki san’s speech with a warm and friendly smile in her evaluation.
Both of the speakers succeeded in their first speech. Outstanding!
Another big session was Table Topic Session. Mikiko san as Table Topic Master did a fabulous job. She shared her experience of traveling to Macao with her husband and coincidentally run into their neighbors there. What a small world! So she asked 3 members and 1 guest to talk about each of their interesting, funniest, strangest and most frightening ‘small world’ stories respectively. All of them did a great job J Especially, Jota san, one of our guest, was assigned to make a speech of his most frightening ‘small world’ story, which I think is toughest question. He referred to ‘the other world’ and made it within the time limit. All of them had tantalizing experiences of ‘small world’.
To wrap up the meeting, Naoki san as General Evaluator evaluated the whole meeting by articulating his thoughts with his nice smile. And he suggested that we should have more prepared speakers next time. Thanks for the heads up, Naoki san.
Lastly, we got positive comments from our guests. To our great joy, some already decided to be a member of our club. Welcome aboard!