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#12 Meeting

I was going to write: “Spring is just around the corner!” No, not at all! It was unexpectedly cold around this time in Japan and sleet was falling in Tokyo. But rain ( sleet ) or shine, we are sure to hold a meeting. You can access us no matter where you are and no matter what you dress up ;) Today we have…

12 attendees ( 4 members+ 8 guests )

from Kanto, Tokai, Kansai, Shikoku, Kyusyu area, Hong Kong, and Vietnam.

    ( We ARE Diversity Toastmasters Club ! )

・ Word of the Day : procrastinate

・ 1 prepared speeche Best Speaker : Yukimasa-san

・ Table Topic Session ‘Spring has come.’ Best Speaker: Naoki-san

・ Business Session : Information about an online speech contest

For starter, Yukimasa-san kindly described the overall program and conducted ZOOM function drill as usual because so far we have wonderful guests every meeting. We are happy to have them know exactly how and what we are doing to conduct our meeting smoothly. All of them did a good job. There was no problem at all in dealing with ZOOM functions. Perfectly done!

Next, it’s Miyuki-san’s turn! She took the role of Grammarian for the first time in our club. She introduced a word ‘procrastinate’ with the meaning and 2 examples. It means to put off intentionally doing something that should be done. You can use it by saying “Let’s stop procrastinating and finish the work!” or “Don’t procrastinate on filing your taxes!” As she mentioned jokingly, this word can be true of adults as well as children. Great for her ;)

Now, it’ about ‘Prepared Speech Session’ time by Yukimasa-san. His speech title is ‘The reason why I make a speech’ based on Visionary Communication Manual. His wonderful speech moved the audience profoundly. He introduced his respectable father, who had always a sense of humor even in tough situations. Yukimasa-san wanted to follow his father’s way of speaking. He’s already been talented person! In addition, he was courageous enough to share his suffering he had in the past. I couldn’t have done that because I just started to get to know other members in this club. All of us were impressed with not only his speech content but also his sincere attitude toward making a speech. We can’t wait for his another fabulous speech!

( One of our guests Aeron-san from Hong Kong was supposed to start his prepared speech after Table Topic Session due to time zone difference. He was in the middle of an Area contest there. How enthusiastic! Unfortunately we had to give up his speech due to a connection problem)

Oh, my heart is pounding. The following session is Table Topic Session. Yukimasa-san, as Table Topic Master, prepared about 10 intriguing questions. They are: Do you like spring and why? ; What is your favorite song in spring? ; Where do you want to go this spring? ; WILD CARD ( Any topic is fine ) ; Do you have any plan this spring ? How do you express in color? ; Have you found any sign of spring? ; What is your memorable experience in spring?

As Miyuki-san pointed out in the Grammarian report later, all speakers finished each speech in timely manner. Moreover, we especially got a clear picture while listening to Masako-san and Masayo-san’s speeches respectively. They used artistic expressions such as ‘ took a shower of cherry blossom petals ‘ and ‘ white and pink colored plum in the garden bring us happiness.’ It is fantastic to just imagine the scenes!

Last but not least, a dedicated member Naoki-san was spontaneously took the role of General Evaluator on the spot! He has to stay in Vietnam on business until May and to his great sadness he will not be able to appreciate cherry blossoms in Japan. Oh, no! Let’s cheer him up somehow!

In his evaluation, he thanked Yukimasa-san for well preparing and conducting our meeting as always. He went on evaluating each session in a gracious way. Humorously he didn’t forget to use Word of the Day. “ Don’t procrastinate joining the Diversity Toastmasters Club.” Everyone laughed out loud :)

Except for missing Aeron-san’s speech from Hong Kong, we had a jovial meeting again. Aeron-san, we look forward to your intriguing speech next meeting!

Just FYI, if you have time and interests in US Online club communication, please feel free to reach these links. This Saturday evening, starting from 22:00pm.

Who we are >

We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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