#27 Meeting
How time flies! It’s November already. We have been still appreciating this warm and wonderful season. Warm…incredibly warm here in Kyusyu. I felt like cycling or driving somewhere until that terrible day. I took an impromptu speech test. I was so nervous that I was at a loss what to say. My mind was completely blank. That was a manifest failure…
Today we had a meeting theme “Leap Forward”. I didn’t think I could even take a step forward due to my depressed feelings before my favorite time small talk session began. I always feel relaxed under the warm, friendly atmosphere while listening to our members’ intriguing anecdotes. Today some of them talked about their belongings like his special wristband, her wig for year-end party, or her pouch with colorful flowers;) By the time the session was over, I got cheered up and felt very glad to see their happy faces while talking. How contagious a smile is!
In addition, we had 5 special guests. All of them got to know our club through their “off-line” Toastmaster club members. They were so enthusiastic! One of them attended the meeting from America at 5 AM!
Before going to the main sessions, I would like to introduce the word of the day: manifest. Yukimasa-san was in charge of the role. According to him, it has mainly 3 meanings: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; to make evident or certain by showing or displaying; a list of passengers or an invoice for a vehicle.
Well, sorry for your patience;) Now is the time to start the prepared speech session! The first speaker was Jota-san! His speech title was “Diversity”. In his speech he explained why he joined our club referring to our website: https://briocheslaboulange.wixsite.com/diversity/diversity He especially liked this part: We want this Diversity Toastmasters Club can be a resort for you by accepting diversity, promoting inclusion, & ensuring belonging so that you can develop yourself to achieve your goals in life. Jota-san, “No reason not to welcome such an enthusiastic member like you;)”. Then he mentioned Toastmasters’ core values, which drive culture and action. Lastly, as a member of his “off-line” club as well, he concluded his speech by sharing their 5 values in action and the way how to be diverse and inclusive with unconscious bias.

The second speaker was Yukari-san! Her speech title was “A fun of Making Trip Plans!” One of her hobbies is making trip plans. She introduced her hometown Suwa City to us with some fantastic photos of the city. One of them was a famous event, Lake Suwa Festival Fireworks Show on the Lake, which I have always wanted to see right in front of me some day! Interestingly enough, the lake is also enjoyable in winter because of its frozen surface. She also described other interesting spots and events which I don’t know. Quite curious places to experience!
The third speaker was Megumi-san! Her speech title was “My Leadership Journey.” She is another enthusiastic member of our club. She must be very busy working and raising her adorable baby. I wondered how she prepared for her speech. I really admire her! To my embarrassment, I have made just 2 speeches at our club since its inception.
Anyway, she first mentioned her bitter experience of leadership role at work. Then she talked about the day when she was interacting with her 11-month baby and realized even a baby like him has his own thought. And she was sure that they had a good relationship if she accepted and respected him. She applied her awareness through this experience to her communication with coworkers. This is actually called Assertive Communication. She demonstrated how effective it could have been to communicate with her coworker if she had used Assertive Communication skills. Quite enlightening! I will try to acquire the skills.
Next, the table topic session started conducted by Naoki-san instead of me. I was absent from the meeting because of my sick daughter. Much obliged! 4 attendees including guests had a chance to speak.
#1 How do you usually get over your difficulties or sufferings?
Mikiko-san said she didn’t notice any and had no idea how to do them. It is probably because she has a positive attitude toward everything, I guess ;) Still, she tried answering to the question. If she were in a difficult situation, she would go to the shrine near her house to pray. Praying for her son’s success mad him achieve his goals. I think praying is a good idea because it offers you greater peace and mind.
#2 What were the most touching words from people around you or books when in trouble?
To Yamaji-san, most touching words were “God doesn’t give a challenge you can’t overcome.” Just FYI, they are originally from the Bible. It says “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.”
It was Yamaji-san was a senior at high school when he encountered the words. He heard a Japanese athlete say them in an interview. Thanks to the encouraging words for him, he could pass the entrance exam for the university he wanted to enter. Good for you!
#3When did you feel happiest in your life?
Imai-san soon answered, “I felt happiest when my first daughter was born.” He must be a great father and husband. He had been waiting for a baby for a long time with his wife. Their daughter has been very happy with lots of love and guidance from them.
#4 What is your future goal or dream?
Aaron-san eagerly talked about his future goal related to what he has been craving for. He said there are always limitations but the dream can be achievable with a few ways such as willingness to try. I am sure his dream will come true in the near future.
Thirdly, Midori-san accompanied by her cute cat ;)conducted evaluation session very well with the first evaluator Naoki-san, the second evaluator Yuki-san, and the third evaluator Hideki-san. They did excellent jobs! Their effective evaluations included good points and suggestion to encourage each speaker. They were sometimes different from my point of views with great speech structure. I enjoyed their speeches more than expected.
Lastly, I would like to announce each best speaker.
Best prepared speaker: Megumi-san
Best table topic speaker: Aaron-san
Best evaluator: Naoki-san
The users of “manifest”: Naoki-san, Jota-san, and Megumi-san
I would like to pay a heartfelt compliment to Toastmaster of the day Takako-san with great helpers: Yumi-san as Timer, Mikiko-san as Grammarian, and Yukimasa-san as Word of the day as well as other dedicated attendees.