Can you guess who emailed this?: "Please let me take the TMoE on the coming meeting on Wednesday. Also, please let me take Table Topic Session as well because I would like to control the time within 90 minutes this time."
Thanks a lot for your sincere dedication as always, Yukimasa-san! What was more surprising, he joined from Colorado where International Convention was being held!
Toastmaster Yukimasa-san Meeting Theme : International Experiences Ah Counter Hideo-san Grammarian & Timer LanAnh-san ( Thanks a lot for taking double roles!) 👏👏 Word of the day "Exponentially" introduced by Mikiko-san
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1)Kazuko-san “What's in a Name?” from Innovative Planning #2 - Evaluation and Feedback Present a speech on any topic There is a growing awareness of women’s empowerment in Japan like other developed nations. From her perspective of gender equality, she emphasized not only men but also women should have the same opportunity to choose how they want to live on their own. The first step to achieve this goal is to have the right to choose a family name in marriage.
(2)Masashi-san “My Diet Challenge, and ?” from Dynamic Leadership #2 - Evaluation and Feedback Present a speech on any topic Thanks to his doctor’s warning, he determined to go on a diet by focusing on 3 points: taking in low carbohydrates and high protein; walking more; training to increase muscles. Two months later, he made it! Amazingly done! His success story must have made the audience start to copy his way. When I recover from my pains, I would love to try 😉
(3)Yuki-san My leadership style Team Collaboration #5 - Understanding Your Leadership Style Her speech objectives were to share some aspect of a chosen leadership style or leadership styles in general; discuss style preferences when working with others, how to adapt the chosen leadership style to situations, or leadership styles in general and how they impact a group According to a questionnaire, she discovered her leadership styles: democratic and pace setting, which are among 8 different kinds of styles. But those styles would work well if there are certain criteria to meet. In conclusion, she realized that it would be necessary for her to cultivate coaching style instead.
2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topics Master Yukimasa-san” Let me share 4 questions answered in the meeting. (1) What was your most trouble international experience? (2) What was your most fun international experience? (3) What was your first international experience? (4) What is your most recent international experience? ( The best speaker answered this question.) Thanks a lot for every speaker sharing your personal experience with laughter, sorrow, or nostalgia.

3. Evaluation Session General Evaluator Midori-san
4. Award Session Best Table Topics Award Yumi-san Best Evaluator Award Kaoru-san
Congratulations! 👏👏