Long time no see! And I have been very sorry for being a procrastinator. Because of my laziness, now I can’t access to the meeting recorded video anymore that Yukimasa-san kindly sent me more than 2 weeks ago. I have been absent from our regular meeting due to my severe backpain and much more demanding work at the current workplace. I was going to check the video and write a blog about the meeting held on September 4th.
So, the following one was just minutes.
Meeting Theme Harvest Word of the Day Yield introduced by Takako -san Toastmaster Yuki-san Timer Paul Peng Grammarian Yumi-san Ah Counter Takako-san
1. Prepared speech session (1)LanAnh-san Freedom has its own price From Competent Communication Manual #10 - Inspire Your Audience Objectives: Inspire the audience by appealing to noble motives, challenge the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement; Appeal to the audience’s needs and emotions, using stories, anecdotes and quotes to add drama.

(2)Yukimasa-san New club plan - Neo Nihonbashi TMC Distinguished Toastmaster #0-1 - Distinguished Toastmaster - 1 Deliver a speech to share the plan of a project that benefits an organization. (3)Hideki-san A short story about height Presentation Mastery #2-1 - Effective Body Language Choose a topic that lends itself to expression through movement and gestures; deliver a speech containing practiced and refined nonverbal communication
2. Table Topics session conducted by Kazuko san
3. Evaluation session General Evaluator Takako-san 1st Evaluator Kazuko-san 2nd Evaluator Hideo-san 3rd Evaluator Mikiko-san
Best Table Topics Award Hideo-san Best Table Topics Award Yukimasa-san Best Evaluator Award Kazuko-san