LanAnh-san selected “Full Moon Festival” as the meeting theme. This was the best season when the moon was brightest and most beautiful, which made her day. And let me mention how I was impressed with her way to conduct the meeting. Even small talk session, which is held before the 3 main ones, she gave her comments to each speaker in an articulate manner with her charming smile. Everyone enjoyed the whole meeting so much. I wish I could have been there!( I am writing this blog by just watching the recorded video.)
Meeting Theme Full Moon Festival Word of the Day fortitude=Courage in pain or adversity. e.g.)she endured her illness with great fortitude.

Toastmaster LanAnh-san from Vetnam Word of the day Yukimasa-san Timer Yukimasa-san Grammarian Hideo-san Ah Counter Yuri-san
1. Prepared Speech Session (1)1st Speaker Mikiko-san Her speech title was “Oh, dear!”, which has been her favorite words since she heard about it from her good friends from Australia. She shared her personal experiences in her hometown with them (2)2nd Speaker Kazuko-san Her speech title was “The line” from Speaking to Inform #2 - Resources for Informing The speech objectives: Presentation at audience's level of knowledge; Major points supported by explanation, examples and information gathered in research; At least one visual aid effectively used to enhance the audience's understanding. Her story started with the music from the movie The Bridge on the River Kwaii. Her speech title means the line between Thailand and Burma aka the death railway during the war. She went it into in detail with her insights.
2. Table Topics Session conducted by Table Topics Master Masashi-san. He prepared 8 questions for the session. (1)Tell us about one of your favorite stories about the moon. (2)Do you have any memories for the Full Moon festival? (3)In Japan we eat Dango ( Sticky rice ). What do you want to eat while watching the beautiful full moon? (4)What is your favorite shape of the moon and why? (5)What do you think about the moon and what is your memories about the moon? (6)What is the best place to watch the moon? Thanks, Masashi-san. You succeeded in creating interesting questions for us related to the meeting theme.
3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Takako-san
4. Award session Best Table Topics Award Takako-san Congratulations! 👏