Time flies so fast!
Takako-san as Toastmaster of the day set ‘Holiday Season’ as the meeting theme, because we will have lots of parties in the end of this year.
In a small session, Takako-san gave comments about each our updates.
Thanks to her, we could start the meeting with a warm atmosphere.
We could also feel the diversity of members because we welcomed four guests coming from countries like Australia, Singapore and The USA.
The Word of the Day by Paul-san was ‘immerse’, it means to make oneself fully involved in some activity or interest.
e.g.) John got some books out of the library and immersed himself in Chinese history and culture.
Timer Hideki-san
Grammarian and Ah Counter Midori-san
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1) First Speaker Yuki-san:
The title was ‘Acceptance speech to become the Pathways Leader for Tokushima TMC’.
She is proud of accepting the Pathways leadership because the original role of this position is to promote the Pathways program in the district of Tokushima TMC.
I was encouraged by seeing her positive stance.
(2) Second Speaker LanAnh-san:
The title was ‘My high school exam’.
She taught us how to see from different viewpoints by telling her failure experience honestly.
Even if you encounter a sad situation, continue walking, love yourself, learn from every experience and move on to a brighter future.
2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topic Master Yuri
(In the session, I was sorry not to share my slide, but the members gave me advice and helped me. Thank you.)
We had a chance to speak by choosing one topic out of 9.

(1) Where would you like to travel next?
(2) What was the best invention of the last 50 years?
(3) What do you think of buffets?
(4) What sports do you like to watch?
3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Megumi-san
(1)1st evaluater Kazuko-san
(2)2nd evaluater Hideo-san
4. Award session
Best Table Topic Award Kathryn-san Congratulations!
Best evaluater Kazuko-san Congratulations!
Best Regards,
Yuri Sekizawa