Mikiko-san as Toastmaster of the day set ‘Goodwill sharing’ as the meeting theme.
In a small session, some of us shared their updates on how they enjoyed Christmas holiday season!
We have 16 members in the group including five guests from China and Singapore!
The Word of the Day by Hideki-san was “Tasteful”, it means to be made, decorated, or chosen with good taste.
e.g.) Japanese rice fields arranged in a staircase pattern on a very steep slope.
Timer Paul-san
Grammarian and Ah Counter Hideo-san
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1) First Speaker Yuri:
The title was ’New World and New Me”.
(2)Second Speaker Masashi-san:
The title was ‘How to understand other thoughts - Learning from NLP’. ‘NLP’ is abbreviation for Neuro Linguistic Programming’. The presenter taught us how to create better relationships and he's an expert in that field. He shared some points like eye accessing cues, calibration and rapport.
(3)Third Speaker LanAnh-san:
The title was ‘Less is more’.One of her favorite movie is the ‘Titanic’ because there are much impressions like “Wow! How handsome!” and “Wow! How romantic!”.
2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topic Master Yuki-san
How cute slide!
We had a chance to speak by choosing one topic out of 6.

(1)“What is your secret?”(#2) Hideki-san
(2)“What did you do on the last Christmas?”(#5) Lydia-san
(3)“What have you done this year?”(#3) Goto-san
(4)“What are you looking forward at this moment?”(#4) Yuka-san
(5)“What do you want for your Christmas?" (#1) Hideo-san
(6)“What are you proud of?" (#6) Felix-san
3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Kazuko-san
(1)1st evaluator Willie-san
(He stood as evaluator even though he was guest. Thank you!)
(2)2nd evaluator Midori-san
(3)3rd evaluator Takako-san
Best Regards,
Yuri Sekizawa