Yuki-san as Toastmaster of the day set ‘Olympic year has come!’ as the meeting theme.
In a small session, some of us shared their updates on how they enjoyed winter vacation!
We have 14 members in the group.
The Word of the Day by Paul-san was “Salubrious”, it means to be healthy and beneficial.
e.g.) Fresh water and exercise are always salubrious.
Timer Hideo-san
Grammarian Takako-san
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1) First Speaker Mikiko-san:
The title was “Myself before Toastmaster”.
She introduced herself by focusing a significant event before she joined the Toastmasters.
(2)Second Speaker Yukimasa-san:
The title was ‘Waseda NEO seminar series’.
He let us know the step of establishing a new club!

2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topic Master Kazuko-san
We had a chance to speak each topic related to the Olympics.
(1)“Which sports interests you the most?” Willie-san
(2)“Which sports interests you the least?” Sawako-san
(3)“Why your country should host at next Olympic games?” LanAnh-san
(4)“Do you think the Olympics are a waste of time or money?” Margaret-san
(5)“If an athlete takes performers enhancing drugs, should he/she be banned for life?” Teruhiro-san
(6)“Suppose you won a gold medal in Olympics.
Which sports would that be, and what would you do?” Paul-san
3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Midori-san
(1)1st evaluator Masashi-san
(2)2nd evaluator Hideki-san
Best Regards,
Yuri Sekizawa