First of all, Yuki-san conducted an induction ceremony for all new and reinstated members
since the previous ceremony (October 2018).
We have three new members and two reinstated members. They introduced themselves (living place and job, etc) and the reasons why they decided to join this club. How interesting it is that we can know each other's stories!
Next, in a small talk session, some of us shared their their opinions about the recent news on the Corona virus.
The word of the day by Yuki-san was “profound”, it means to be situated at or extending to great depth. Ex) He is a man of profound knowledge.
Timer Saki-san
Grammarian Masashi-san
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1) First Speaker LanAnh-san: The title was “Which lens do you choose?”
She talked about the current situation of the Coronavirus, and recommendation on how to prevent it.

(2)Second Speaker Yukimasa-san The title was “My Second Path”.
He shared about Storytelling in pathways, and he wrote a book! We can get it on Kindle!
2. Table Topic Session by Table Topic Master Paul-san
We had a chance to speak each topic related to the Coronavirus.
(1)Is Coronavirus preventable? (Yumi-san)
(2)Many have said that we catch Coronavirus from wild animals.
Do you think that people should be banned from eating wild animals? (Aaron-san)
(3)What are some ways to strengthen our immune system in order to prevent diseases? (Viviah-san)
(4)Some people feel stressful when getting sick. What are some ways to cope with stress? (Margaret-san)
(5)In your opinion, what is the most efficient way to stop Coronavirus from spreading to other countries? (Willie-san)
There are difficult topics, but their opinions were so suggestive!
Best table topic speaker Aaron-san!
3.Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluater Takako-san
(1)1st evaluator Midori-san
(2)2nd evaluator Kazuko-san
Best Regards,
Yuri Sekizawa