Best Table Topics Award Michael-san
Best Evaluator Award Midori-san
Yukimasa-san as Toastmaster of the day conducted a small session.
The Word of the Day by LanAnh-san was “vivacious”.
e.g.) So, how are you? Lana asked me with her ever vivacious voice.
Timer Sawako-san
Grammarian Kazuko-san
Ah counter Alfred-san(Thank you guest)
1. Prepared Speech Session
(1) First Speaker Masashi-san:
The title was “My leadership style”.
As a result of self check, he found that he was ‘democratic leadership style’.
Then it’s effective for him to provide others with opportunities to build up experience,
and he needs knowledge in ways of training people.
(2)Second Speaker Yuki-san:
The title was ‘Personnel Relocation’.
The speech was her real episode when she experienced several relocation.
Her strong message: ‘decide by yourself to take action!’ was encouraging.
(3)Third Speaker Takako-san:
The title was ‘Evaluate to Motivate’.
Toastmaster has no teacher, so we can teach each other.
Good evaluation affects improvement of skills among participants.
Personally, I was also motivated to take a role of evaluator.
Thank you Takako-san!
2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topic Master Hideki-san
We had a chance to speak each topic related to the history of Nihonbashi, Tokyo.

(1)What is your favorite sushi item? (Kazuko-san)
(2)What is your memory about department store in childhood? (Li-san)
(3)What is zero milestone in your philosophy of life? (Alfred-san)
(4)What is the medicine that works for your mental stress? (Michael-san)
(5)What is the plan to vitalize your life more? (Mikiko-san)
3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Mikiko-san
(1)First Evaluator Michael-san
(2)Second Evaluator Midori-san
(3)Third Evaluator Hideo-san
Best Regards,
Yuri Sekizawa