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#62 meeting

Toastmaster of the day was Paul-san.

In a small session, some of us shared our updates.

Since we needed to stay at home recently, the time we spent listening to each other and updates about our situation was really joyful.

The Word of the Day by Yukimasa-san was “Terrific”, it means to be very bad , extraordinary, or unusually fine. e.g.) -It’s a terrific Tuesday.

Timer Mikiko-san

Grammarian Michael-san

Ah Counter LanAnh-san

1. Prepared Speech Session

(1) First Speaker Yuki-san:

The title was “Visiting Kaunas”.

She shared the attractions of Kaunas. It was very interesting to learn about the relationship between Kaunas and Japan from the story of a Japanese man.

(2)Second Speaker Takako-san:

The title was ‘The Importance of Tabletopics Speeches and Their evaluation’.

She shared the tips for making high performance leadership program successful. It was very meaningful.

2. Table Topic Session conducted by Table Topic Master Midori-san

(1)What is your favorite room in your house? Why? (Ike-san)

(2)How many different homes have you lived in? (Bhanu-san)

(3)If you could change anything about your present home, what would it be? (Teruhiro-san)

(4)What do you like about your home? What don’t you like? (Aung Zaw san)

(5)What things in your home couldn’t you live without? (Anita-san)

3. Evaluation Session conducted by General Evaluator Asami-san

(1)1st evaluator HIdeo-san

(2)2nd evaluator Kazuko-san

Best Regards,

Yuri Sekizawa

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