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#73 meeting

Hello subscribers!

Our #73 meeting was held on November 4th via Zoom, and we had a pleasant meeting with 12 members and 2 guests from Philippines and United States!

Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Anita Fujii led the whole meeting smoothly! As we had relatively small number of participants, we could have another lively and warm small talk session from whole participants not applying the new time management policy.

The word "synergy" was Word of the Day which was chosen by TM Mikiko Bando.

In the prepared speeches session, we had three speakers; TM Kimiko Masuoka, TM Shinsuke Ishihara, and TM Takeshi Nakamura.

First speaker Kimiko shared her unexpected volunteering at a hot spring. The experience that she could help a girl to have a hand towel in an embarrassing situation inspired her to keep her toastmasters journey and to aim an achievable goal.

Second speaker Shinsuke presented his research on blood types. We could find cultural differences about recognition on the association between blood types and personality, and what determines blood types is only the difference in the surface of red blood cells.

Third speaker Takeshi delivered his second speech on the secret of losing weight. It was much more interesting and effective than the previous one as he successfully adopted recommendations from the evaluator.

Our Table Topics Master of the Day, TM Teruhiro Goto, prepared interesting and thoughtful questions about Culture Day, including traditional and cultural events with great photos. Five impromptu speakers joined the session; TM Hideo Imai, TM Mikiko Bando, TM Paul Peng, TM Anita Fujii, TM Kazuko Takayama.

General Evaluator TM Kazuko Takayama smoothly coordinated the evaluation session. We had three talented evaluators, TM LanAnh Pham, TM Harry Woo, and TM Takako Yamada. Also, thanks to fantastic work from our Timer TM Harry, Grammarian TM Takako, Ah-Counter TM Paul did great job for improving our public speaking skills.

That concludes my report. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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