Hello subscribers!
Our #74 meeting was held on November 18th via Zoom, and we had a pleasant meeting with 13 members and 3 guests from Japan and United States!

Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Yuki Morimoto effectively led the whole meeting! We are applying the new time management policy for the small talk session to make the meeting more concise and well-organized. The small talk session was ebullient and lively as always.
The word "alternation" was Word of the Day which was chosen by TM Paul Peng.
In the prepared speeches session, we had three speakers; TM Harry Woo, TM Anita Fujii, and TM LanAnh Pham.
First speaker Harry delivered his second speech on his unexpected solo travel in Florence, Italy during his honeymoon trip. He showed improvement by applying the previous evaluation.
Second speaker Anita shared her thoughts on her own leadership style. Through sharing her interesting leadership experiences leading diversity and inclusion projects in her company, we could easily find that she already is a great leader.
Third speaker LanAnh shared her experience about 10 years ago when she got too stressed out that she cannot sleep well. By chance, she met a person from meditation club and took her first meditation class, and that truly helped and saved her life.
Our Table Topics Master of the Day, TM Shinsuke Ishihara, prepared thoughtful and intriguing questions about change, which followed by a music "Changes" by 2pac. That was sensational! Five impromptu speakers joined the session; Guest Masahiro, Guest Nobuko, Guest Eiko, TM Yuki Morimoto, TM Paul Peng.
General Evaluator TM Midori Yoshida smoothly coordinated the evaluation session. We had three well-rounded evaluators, TM Hideo Imai, TM Mikiko Bando, and TM Takeshi Nakamura. Also, thanks to fantastic work from our Timer TM Takako, Grammarian TM Kazuko did great job for improving our public speaking skills.
That concludes my report. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime. Looking forward to seeing you soon!