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#75 meeting

Hello subscribers!

Our #75 meeting was held on December 2nd via Zoom, and we had a pleasant meeting with 14 members and 1 guest from Japan!

Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Mikiko Bando effectively led the whole meeting! We are applying the new time management policy for the small talk session to make the meeting more concise and well-organized. The small talk session was ebullient and lively as always.

The word "persistent" was Word of the Day which was chosen by TM Kimiko Masuoka.

In the prepared speeches session, we had two speakers; TM Yuki Morimoto and TM LanAnh Pham.

First speaker Yuki showed that her two primary leadership styles, which were Democratic and Pace-setting, and found improvement for her, Coaching style, which is proper for her current situation.

Second speaker LanAnh delivered a story-telling speech on her driving experience, especially about how we dealt with serious traffic with her skill, and the panic and fear she experienced at that time.

Our Table Topics Master of the Day, TM Paul Peng, prepared thoughtful-provoking questions about tenacity, goals and persistency. Six impromptu speakers joined the session; TM Asami, TM Harry, TM Hideo, TM Shinsuke, TM Masashi, and TM Mikiko.

General Evaluator TM Takako Yamada smoothly coordinated the evaluation session. We had two evaluators, TM Harry Woo and TM Kazuko Takayama. Also, thanks to fantastic work from our Timer TM Shinsuke Ishihara, Grammarian TM Asami Miyazaki, and Ah-counter Anita Fujii, the meeting could be much more prosperous.

That concludes my report. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

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