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#76 meeting

Hello subscribers!

Our #76 meeting, the last meeting of 2020, was held on December 16th via Zoom under the theme "New Normal" that we've been experiencing throughout 2020.

Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Takako Yamada effectively led the whole meeting. The small talk session was progressed in a calm but participative mood as always.

We had three well-rounded speakers for the prepared speech session: TM Anita Fujii on the memories of her mentor, TM Mikiko Bandoh on varieties of color orange, and Special Guest TM Sherri Raftery on taking her own mother's advice.

After the speeches, General Evaluator TM Kazuko Takayama smoothly coordinated the evaluation session. There were three talented evaluators: TM Midori Yoshida, TM Hideo Imai, and TM Yukimasa Matsuda. Also, thanks to our Timer TM Yuki Morimoto, Grammarian TM Takeshi Nakamura, and Ah-counter Kimiko Masuoka, we could also find improvements for our public speaking skills.

That concludes my report for the last meeting of 2020. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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