Hello subscribers!
Our #77 meeting, the first meeting of 2021, was held on January 6th via Zoom, and we had a pleasant meeting with 15 members and 4 guests from Japan and United States!

Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Midori Yoshida effectively led the whole meeting with the meeting theme "New Year's Resolution". The small talk session was ebullient and lively as always and the word "assiduous" was Word of the Day which was chosen by TM Kazuko Takayama.
In the prepared speeches session, we had three speakers; TM Anita Fujii, TM Kimiko Masuoka, and TM LanAnh Pham. First speaker Anita delivered a storytelling speech titled "Power of Pet", which included her own stories about pets. Second speaker Kimiko shared the results of her interesting research on "Virtual Guide of Daibutsu, the Great Buddha". Third speaker LanAnh delivered a Q&A session, which was full of energy with effectively engaging and answering the audiences.
Our assiduous Table Topics Master of the Day, TM Mikiko Bandoh, prepared interesting questions about new year's resolution. General Evaluator TM Michael Whyte nicely coordinated the evaluation session. Our three thoughtful evaluators, TM Shinsuke Ishihara, TM Yuki Morimoto, and TM Takeshi Nakamura delivered helpful feedback not only for speakers but for all of us. Also, our Timer TM Paul Peng, Grammarian TM Takako Yamada, Ah-counter Teruhiro Goto did great job for improving our public speaking skills.
That concludes my report. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime.
Happy new year and looking forward to seeing you soon!