Hello subscribers!
Our #82 meeting was held on March 17th via Zoom, and we had a pleasant meeting with 13 members and 4 guest from all over the world!
Toastmaster of the Day, TM Harry Woo coordinated the meeting as the master of ceremony. With the meeting theme "Spring", fellow members shared there updates especially about this spring through the small talk session.
In line with the meeting theme "spring", the word "exhilarating" was Word of the Day which was chosen by TM Yuki Morimoto.
In the prepared speeches session, we had two talented speakers; TM Kimiko Masuoka, and TM Yukimasa Matsuda.
First speaker Kimiko delivered her speech about watching movies. She her experiences with symbolic movies by age including Armageddon, Jurassic Park, and Never Ending Story. She also showed us video clips through screen sharing which was so smoothly handled and nice to see.
Second speaker Yukimasa shared his unique life experience as a radio DJ. How cool it is! He showed us what made him long for being a DJ and how he made his dream true. It was fascinating that he learns about love with a lot of songs that he plays.
Our Table Topics Master of the Day, TM Anita Fujii, prepared interesting questions about spring and four impromptu speakers joined the session; Guest Kundlik, TM Thierry Ore, TM Trinath, and TM Takeshi Nakamura.
General Evaluator TM Mikiko Bandoh smoothly coordinated the evaluation session. We had two well-rounded evaluators, TM Shinsuke Ishihara, and TM Mikiko Bandoh. Also, thanks to hard work from our Timer TM Takako Yamada, Grammarian TM Kazuko Takayama, and Ah-counter TM Paul Peng did wonderful job for improving our public speaking skills.
That concludes my report. Please feel free to send me your feedback anytime. Looking forward to seeing you soon!