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#90 meeting

Hello, everyone! Our #90 meeting was held on July 21 via Zoom with 11 members and 3 guests.

The meeting theme was PROS AND CONS. The Tokyo Olympics had finally started. Although there had been argument with Pros and Cons during this Corona pandemic, hopefully we take proper measures and enjoy this sports festival. This regular meeting started with such a message.

In keeping with the meeting theme, Word of the Day was set to CONTROVERSIAL and CONTROVERSY.

In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 6 topics were asked related to the meeting theme.

・Please explain the quote, ”To win you have to risk loss” - Jean Claude Killy

・Playing team sports is better than individual sports. Agree or disagree?

・Please explain the quote, ”If you fail to prepare, you’ve prepared to fail.” - Mark Spitz

・If you could gain the ability to do any Olympic sport well, which would you choose and why?

・Please explain “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” -Muhammad Ali

・Countries do not benefit from hosting the Olympics. Agree or Disagree?

In Prepared Speech Session, the 1st speaker, TM Harry, shared his great job at Toastmasters Club in his company. The 2nd speaker, TM Takako, shared how she and her associates proceeded with the editing process of magazine “Plum” under the unusual circumstances of the Corona disaster. The 3rd speaker, TM Kazuko, told us how her mother had been a good mentor and had guided her.

After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to TM Anita. Unfortunately, due to network problems, only two speakers were able to give complete Evaluation Speeches, so we did not vote for the Best Evaluator this time.

We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks, on August 4th!


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We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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