Hello, everyone! Our #91 meeting was held on August 4th via Zoom with 14 members and 6 guests.
The meeting theme was TRIUMPH. The Tokyo Olympics are in full swing. There have been many triumphs there. In our lives, we also have our own triumphs. So, the first session of the meeting, Small Talk Speech, we shared our own experiences of triumphs in our lives and, as usual, our current updates.
In keeping with the meeting theme, Word of the Day was set to INCLUSION and INCLUSIVE.
In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 4 topics were asked related to the meeting theme.
・If you were to compete in the Olympics, in which event would you like to compete?
・If you were going to the Olympics, which event would you like to see?
・Have you found something new for you at this Olympic?
・If you were to volunteer at the Olympics, what would you like to do?
In Prepared Speech Session, the 1st speaker, TM Kazuko, shared with us how the bridge over the River Kwai, the subject of the famous movie "Bridge to the Battlefield," was actually done. The 2nd speaker, TM Thierry, He explained about vegetarianism, including what a "flexi-vegan" diet looks like, which is not widely known (or maybe I just don't know). The 3rd speaker, TM Takako, She shared with us about her communication style and how her original communication style changed as a result of her experiences and environment
After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to TM Takeshi. We did not have Best Evaluator poll this time because there was an evaluation speech exceeded the time limit.
We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks, on August 18th!
