Hello, everyone! Our #92 meeting was held on August 18th via Zoom with 13 members and 3 guests from Finland, Philippines and Kanagawa prefecture in Japan.

The meeting theme was TRADITION as Last week was Obon, a traditional event in Japan. It is an event where ancestors who have passed away in the past are said to come back to their homes so many people return to their parents' home every year during the Obon season to visit the graves and make offerings.
In keeping with the meeting theme, Word of the Day was set to CUSTOM.
In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 5 topics were asked related to the meeting theme.
・Do you have any family traditions that you would like to pass on to next generation?
・Do you wear traditional clothes from your country? If yes, what occasions do you wear them? If not, would you like to wear them?
・Please introduce your favorite tradition in a country where you live.
・Do you like modern art or traditional art? Please explain why.
・Do you think you are conservative or liberal? Please provide us reasons why you think that way.
In Prepared Speech Session, the 1st speaker, TM Edward, talked about his communication style based on his original experience. It was an impressive speech for the positive message of using the first miscommunication experience to improve subsequent communication.
The 2nd speaker, TM Harry, showed that the two patterns of networking he experienced were intentional and random, like Toastmasters. The message that mutual understanding through telling each other stories and giving each other feedback is what fascinates and improves him was inspiring to me (and maybe us).
After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to our guest, Mr. Dermot. There were only two speakers this time, so we did not vote for the Best Evaluator.
We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks, on September 1st!
