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#98 Meeting

Hello, everyone! Our #98 meeting was held on November 17th via Zoom with 10 members and 3guests from Mexico, India and Thailand.

The meeting theme this time was ENCHANTING AUTUMN. The meeting started with a Small Talk Session where everyone shared how they spend their time in this enchanting season.

In keeping with the meeting theme, Word of the Day was set to FLAMBOYANT.

In Prepared Speech Session, 1st Speaker, TM Shinsuke, talked about that he used different communication styles depending on the situation, and showed what it was like by acting it out during his speech. This helped us to convince that using different communication styles can be effective. 2nd speaker, TM Kimiko, showed us how her mentor helped her during six months of Toastmaster mentorship after joining the club. The mentor helped her a lot and now we could see that she enjoyed the club a lot! And 3rd speaker, TM Dermot, shared with us three particularly memorable lessons he has learned in his life and his motivation to keep learning and growing. The lessons he shared were ones that we could relate to and valuable.

In Table Topic Speech Session, the following 6 topics were provided related to today’s meeting theme.

・Can you expand the quotes?

"Autumn, the season that teaches us, that change, can be beautiful."

・Your thoughts?

”The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”

・Here’s 10 reasons you love autumn. Which one do you choose?

1. Sweater weather

2. Pumpkin spice lattes

3. No more bikini body worries

4. Fireplace nights with a bowl of popcorn and a movie

5. A breath of crisp air

6. Extra hour of darkness = More sleep

7. Football season

8. Comfort food

9. The changing colors of the leaves

10. Bike rides through cool breezes

・Tell us about why you love autumn so much.

・You say you love about fall because it has beautiful nature. Tell us about it.

・Your thoughts?

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

After all sessions, the best Table Topic Speaker went to our guest, Mis. Alma, and the Best Evaluator went to TM Kazuko!

We had a great time today with a diverse participants as always. Looking forward to seeing you next time, on December 1st!


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