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Additional Post #3 〜Let's talk on the spot!〜

At Toastmasters meeting there is a section for thinking and speaking on the spot.

Table Topic Session and Small Talk Session are set on the agenda at every meeting. In Small Talk Session, members take a turn to speak recent updates or something about meeting theme. And in Table Topic Session, members as well as guests give impromptu 1-2 minute speeches on a given topic.

In addition to these, there may be improvised speech sessions called "Progressive Story", "TRUE or FALSE" and "Agree or Disagree".

Progressive Story

One member will start the story, and it is continued by all the members. Each member contributes a sentence or two in the co-creation of a new story. This requires listening skills, creativity, and quick thinking to complete. We did this session at #102 meeting.


At first facilitator ask a participant to tell 2 stories, one is true story and another is false story. Listeners guess which story is true based on the speaker's appearance and write true or false in the chat. Finally, the speaker confesses which story is true. We did this session at #107 meeting. We actually got to know each other better by doing it, and it was fun to observe facial expressions and guess answers!


It is to allow designated speakers to talk about the assigned statements for one minute from either an affirmative or a negative point of view. We were nominated at random, and the participants spoke one after another. Sometimes we had to argue an opinion contrary to the actual one, and this was personally interesting to me. We did this session at #93, #101 and #106 meeting.

These impromptu speeches are thrilling and fun!


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