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Diversity Toastmasters Club Meeting #164

Date: August 21, 2024Time: 21:00-22:20 (Japan Time)

Venue: Online

Hi all! Thank you for visiting our blog!

We are an online Toastmasters club based in Japan. Anyone who is interested in visiting our club, just send us a message. Our members will welcome you with open arms, and excited to listen to your story!

At the last meeting on August 21, we had a big crowd including Thais as a new member, and Brian from Thika Toastmaster club in Kenya! Thais is a Brazilian living in China, and has been to a few of our meetings as a guest recently. We were very happy to learn that she officially became the member of our club! Thank you for choosing Diversity Toastmasters Club, Thais-san!!

So, we opened the meeting with the update of all of the members, then had the joke master telling some jokes associated with "summer", and moved on to our favorite debate session. The proposition of the debate was "Companies should adopt a three-day workweek." We got to listen to interesting ideas from the both affirmative and negative sides. I agree to the proposition since I love having a lot of free time. What about you??

About this debate session, I was a little hesitant to participate when I first joined the Diversity, but now I like it as much as the regular speech session. Because it gives me a chance to learn totally new perspectives than mine, and different ways to reasoning and persuade others. And it's simply more exciting alternating those two sessions. If you'd like to experience our debate session, visit us on the third Wednesday!

The table topics session was all about "Olympic games"! It was fun for us to relate to the topic since we just had the exciting two weeks of Paris Olympics. Nice pick, table topic master!

Lastly, having Brian as an ah-counter was phenomenal! His ah-counter report was the most detailed in my toastmasters career, and so helpful for all of us! Thank you, Brian for taking the role! You should give a speech next time!

It was another exciting meeting!Thank you everyone who joined the meeting!



Who we are >

We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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