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Diversity Toastmasters Club Meeting #166

Date: September 18th, 2024Time: 21:00-22:20 (Japan Time)

Venue: Online

Hi all! Thank you for visiting our blog!

We are an online Toastmasters club based in Japan. Anyone who is interested in visiting our club, just send us a message. Our members will welcome you with open arms, and excited to listen to your story!

It was another cozy yet enjoyable meeting last night. We started our meeting with 6 members, and ended with 7:-) And this is something that we are proud of doing which is to create a nice friendly atmosphere no matter how many members participate in the meeting.

So we had a small talk session to share our updates. Most members mentioned about the weather in their local area. I learned that people are still annoyed by the heat while I'm preparing for the cold winter here in Hokkaido.

At our debate session, we had an exciting proposition which was "The Olympic Games should be abolished." I was the affirmative speaker, and told the audience what I think in real life. Though looking back, it would have been more fun to choose the opposing side, debating against my real thoughts. It would nurture the skill to listen to the others and understand their perspective for sure! It will lead to make peace! Anyway, the opposing side made some great points against my speech! I just can't help thinking how much we can benefit from this debate session as for becoming a better speaker!

Then we had a table topicks session with the timely topics; most of them were related to the fall seaion, but there was one related to the recent earthquake. It was a good reminder for everyone to get prepared for an upcoming disaster.

The word of the day was "invincible" though it was not used even once... Let's try to use it at our meeting! If you are thinking about visiting our club sometime, please do so soon, and show us your way of using the word!

Thank you very much everyone who participated in the meeting last night! See you in two weeks!


Who we are >

We are Diversity Toastmasters Club.

We are Online Toastmasters Club and anyone can join from anywhere.

​All of Toastmasters programs are held on line and you can join from anywhere at convenient time.


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