Hi! Thank you for visiting our blog!
I am Ritsuko, the new secretary/blogger for Diversity Toastmasters Club. I have been a member of this club for less than a year, but I feel very comfortable and find joy in every meeting learning something new.
Today's meeting was the first one in the new term. I was a little nervous keeping record and do my roles at the same time. Despite my unsettling feelings, our meeting went smoothly with seven members and two honorable guests from Sapporo and Malaysia.
At thoughts for the day, I talked about my favorite baseball coach Mr. Shinjo and his team how he is handling the team accordingly with the team slogan for this year"The age of discovery." Hope we can finish the season with a big smile!
Since it was the first meeting of the month, we had a prepared speech session where two excellent speakers delivered speeches with elaborated slides. First speaker Takako-san explained to us how 3D printing in medical field is getting popular and its use in details from artificial joints to organ transplantation. It was quite educational and I feel like I caught up with the latest technology. Second speaker Aki-san introduced us some well-known English words that have Japanese origin. From Tsunami to Emoji, she chronologically introduced the words with the historical and cultural background in mind. The number of the words she gathered from 1610's till now amazed me. I didn't know Rickshaw came from the word jinrikisha! Both speeches were indeed educational.
At the table topics, Mikiko-san prepared the topics related to the month July. Since it is in an infamous rainy season, most topics had the "rain" theme. Mikiko-san lead the session with a kind comments to each speaker, and it was also nice to give our guests an opportunity to give a speech!
Our evaluation session lead by Takako-san was also a success! Since our first evaluator Kazuko-san could not attend, the rest of us gave Takako-san a feedback as a group.
Today's word "splurge" presented by Yukimasa-san had no opportunity to appear. However it is a sophisticated word to use in daily conversation. I'll make sure to find a place to use it in my simple English phrases!
Overall it was another exciting meeting!
*For non-member readers, we are always looking forward to having you as a guest at our meeting!! Please let me know if you are interested;-)
