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Meeting Number 139

Toastmaster Meeting 2nd August 2023 Starting at 21:00 Asia/Tokyo Meeting Theme: Global Boiling Venue Online Club

Attendees: 9 members & 3 honorable guests from Poland, Brazil, and the US

Toastmaster of the Evening: Yoichi san

Hi, everyone! Are you enjoying this summer? Or getting tired of this scorching hot summer?

Just a couple years ago, one day the small city I live in got famous for its highest temperature of 37℃ on a weather forecast news across the nation. But now it’s normal to have around 35℃ in almost all the cities, even a couple of areas almost 40℃ in a row! As *the warning issued by the U.N. chief says, we have been experiencing ‘global boiling, which is also the meeting theme today.

In the unique session Small Talk, we got to know that the severe weather condition affected some members, who got severely sick, or whose coworkers had to take a day off and needed extra work for them. In contrast, Other members and the honorable guests were energetic enough to work very hard, enjoy running with a fantastic view (maybe you know who I am talking about if you are an avid fan of hers ;) ), challenge himself to make as many speeches as possible across the globe!, tackle an issue at home with his family, and helping her family to do some work outdoors. Among them, one episode from a member intrigued me: She went to a bird-watching café. She said a unique bird in her area Simaenaga (Long-tailed Tit) can be seen there and they look totally different in summer from in winter. I wish I could enjoy hearing them chirping in white to cool down this heat!

As the Joke Master, Kazuko-san shared a famous joke related to a bilateral talk between a Japanese prime minister and the US president then. Though I guess some attendees also know the joke, her excellent speech delivery made us laugh a lot :)

Next, we had the main Session called prepared speech session. The speaker today is an experienced Toastmaster and one of the guests today! The floor is yours! The speech title is ‘On the sea of Glass’. Speaking of which, I wondered if the speech was going to have something to do with the Bible including Revelation 4:6 and 15:2.

Actually his speech is based on Titan or Titanic, relevant to one of the Greek Mythology called the Titanomachy. His main point was to stay humble, and too much pride often makes you lose something, quoting 3 world-known episodes including the Titanomachy, the Titanic, and the Titan submersible, which have in common. His speech was really convincing and educational for us. Thank you for your wonderful speech!

Next, another interesting session was an impromptu speech called Table Topic Session. The table topic master is Aki-san! She is always a good conductor of the session ;) This time she took a different approach, but it is so fun that I want to give it a try some day. The photos below show what her session was like.

3 speakers had to answer those 2 questions after picking up a year from the year in which each presentation slide shows. How creative she is :)

Oh, last but not least, we have the Word of the day every regular meeting. Today there are lots of words, which is unusual, but since I had no chance to use any of those, I would like to try as much as possible on a daily basis as well as during the meeting.

I’ve almost forgot to mention it, but Kazuko san did a wonderful job as an evaluator for the prepared speech above. I always learn something useful to learn what an effective speech is like. Thanks! We had another fruitful meeting tonight. Are you interested in joining our club? Why don’t you try next meeting? Because…

We have a special meeting called Open House :)

Look at the flyer below Yoichi san made. Don’t you think it’s neat?

Contact us anytime!


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