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Meeting Number 147

Toastmaster Meeting 6th December 23

Starting at 21:00 Asia/Tokyo

Venue Online Club

ZOOM online meeting schedule is here,

Word of the day: resilience, resilient

(= able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened :)

Long time no see! Sorry for not writing any blog for 1 month. I have been really sick in bed and it took some weeks to get over it. Now you can call me a resilient person ;)

Anyway, we started our meeting with Small Talk Session. I'm always happy to hear everyone’s intriguing episodes. Let me share some with you.

First off, Aki-san introduced 'Furugi de (used clothing for) vaccine'

Sounds like a nice and easy thing to do. She always gives us intriguing information. Thanks Aki-san! Other members talked about something related to winter. Mikiko-san tried to make dried persimmon, which is rich in vitamins. Yoichi-san took an astronomy space test?! because he is just interested in it. I like stargazing especially in winter because they shine brilliantly in the clear sky. Kazuko-san (of course!) enjoys running. Especially this time she succeeded in running a full marathon!! Wow! How can she be so energetic?! In addition, she said the following week she tried running another one. She must be a resilient person too ;) Btw, I think her bib looks cute because it says 'Kazu-chan'. :) And Erika-san had 1-day camping. She experienced something different from her daily life such as cutting trees to make fire. Her story made us feel warm around this cold season. Lastly, Takako-san had volunteer work as a interpreter at a 2-week workshop for international students and Japanese graduate students. How cool she is! I wish I could be like her.

Now it's about time to talk about our main session: Prepared speeches. We had 2 speakers, Yoichi-san and Aki-san. His speech title is 'Mozart mode' (I like the title with alliteration). While he was playing a part of his favorite music pieces via YouTube, he introduced a quote about Mozart by Albert Einstein. We understood how much he loves the 'child prodigy', but believe it or not, he used to have no interest in classical music.

Next, Aki-san's turn! Her speech title is 'Are You a Cat or Dog?'. After touching upon what character each pet animal is like, she asked, "Are you a cat or a dog person?". Then, as I expected, she pointed out it's useless to categorize people into either type of the pet animals. I totally agree with her! I personally think categorizing peoples' personality based on the blood types is a bad idea. As a girl, I enjoyed guessing which blood type a person had, though.

Thank you, both of the excellent speakers!

Let's move on to the next session: Table Topic! I was in charge. I tried to make up some interesting questions related to winter by myself, but I didn't make it. So I searched the internet and happened to find a useful site:

Then I chose some topics, which I associate with some events in winter, from funny or entertaining speech topics. I was happy to see every attendee at the meeting enjoying making or listening to the off-the-cuff speeches.


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