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Meeting Number 154

Toastmaster Meeting 20th March 24 Starting at 21:00 Asia/Tokyo

Word of the Day: Assign/Assignment

Venue Online Club

Debate Proposition : Home schooling should be legalized.

Hi, everyone:) We had the last meeting for this fiscal year last night. It was quite an enjoyable and educational meeting. Honorable readers, do you want to know what was going on there? Then, let's get started!

For starters, we shared each member's update. Ritsuko-san had a very good time spending her holidays staying at an old Japanese style hotel and relaxing. She lived in the US for many years. That experience made her feel more comfortable at the hotel, especially different entrance structures between the US and Japan. What an interesting point of view! I didn't notice it at all, though I stayed in the US for almost a year. Erika-san just came back from India. Though it was her business trip, she still had free time to hang around there. Sounds like she had unusual experiences such as seeing people making brown sugar from sugar cane, performing ablution in the Gandis river, and golden snake sculptures at Jaina temples. All the pictures she shared drew our attention a lot! Mikiko-san still suffers from hay fever like me, but she found a solution to the problem. I will try to follow her way. Thanks for your info, Mikiko-san! Next, Yuki-san! She has been so busy working and preparing for her business trip to the U.S. She looked tired, but we were very happy to have her at the meeting. Take better care of yourself, Yuki-san! Takako-san was a busy person too! She got urgent calls all day long even though she wanted to have a good rest on the national holiday. Poor Takako-san...I hope you will have a relaxing holiday next time. Last but not least, Kazuko-san! She shared her sad story about her loved one. One of her family members passed away. I remembered she looked very cheerful while talking about the lovely dog in the past. Sounded like she tried to overcome her difficulty. I felt so sorry for your loss, Kazuko-san.

Now it's about time to start Joke Master. Honorable readers, you may wonder if Japanese people are good at telling jokes, but we had a blast again. I can't create my own jokes, but I can search the internet and introduce enjoyable ones to other members. haha...This time Joke Master Kazuko-san was assigned and shared 2 jokes with us. They were funny ones and her delivery style cracked us up laughing more.

Time has come! The main session was debate! It was a really hard debate proposition mentioned above. I tried to apply for being either affirmative or negative side, but I didn't have to. Kazuko-san and Takako-san were 'brave' enough to take each role. And they had a pretty constructive debate. They were doing great! It was worth watching it.

Another session was Table Topic conducted by Mikiko-san! She prepared several questions related to spring: 'How do you deal with spring allergy?'; 'What activity would you like to do during spring?'; 'Cherry blossoms are special to Japan. What do you think of the idea?' Even though it has been cold lately, all the answers from the members enabled me to feel warm like spring:) Oh, I almost forgot to mention it, but as Um-ah counter, I challenged myself not to use filler words. That was my big assignment. I will try to use less next time;)


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