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How to get to Daiba  Kumin center?!    Hippie Hippie shake

In case of Yurikamome.

Please ride on Yurikamome at Shimbashi station or Shiodome Station.


Odaiba Kaihin Koen Station is 6th from Shimbashi, 5th from Shiodome.

Just after crossing the Tokyo Bay, you will arrive at the station.

You will find the  Ferris wheel, one of the    landmarks in Odaiba.

Going down the stairs.

Let's get through the gate .

Turn right to the crossing corridor.

Go down the stairs to the ground.

Don't miss this sign board.

You should go down the stairs to Daiba kumin center.

Once you hit    on the ground, turn around and go straight to the next corner.

Turn right at the corner of Koban spot.

Then you will see the entrance of Daiba Kumin Center.


Get in the entrance and turn left immediately.

The venue is at the end of the corridor.



Hippie Hippie Shake

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