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Ginza! 28th October, 2018

Our last meeting was held on Sunday,28th October at Azabu Kumin Center in Roppongi, where we enjoyed a special speech, a great table topics session and two special workshops from the regular member with the guests.

1. Introduction Yuko, President of the Club, welcomed everyone to the meeting then draw attention to a positive reaction that helps us become better communicators. She then introduced herself as TMoD who explained the running order of the meeting, declaring the word of the day – “Agog (highly excited)”. After that, she offered a warm welcome to our guests including Kitano, Roxy Simpton (Division Director at District 2 Toastmasters in the US), Kazuyuki and Kazumi (with her baby Tsugumi) and gave special guest Roxy an opportunity to introduce herself and make a short greeting.

2. Workshops The first presenter, Andy led the "Mentoring Workshop". He delivered a passionate personal experience on mentoring his Japanese student when he came to Japan. Presenting a speech about his fight with his several mentees, he appealed to us that mentoring does not simply mean to get the mentees forward but to reduce their stress and fear, to guide them to be relaxed and let them kick off from there independently. Effectively handled question-and-answer session followed. The session included a question how we should identify what the mentees really want.

Next to present was Paul, titled "Brilliant Introductions". Starting with an probing question "What's your best advice ever? My answer is "If teachers not impress students in the first 5min, they will lose the entire year"", he addressed the importance of introduction and showed how to create powerful introductions that will help us retain audience' quick attention -- and ultimately get us more promoters and funs. He appealed to us that the introduction may be the most key part of a presentation. It doesn't matter if we're giving a sales report at a team meeting, or giving presentation or speaking. Effectively handled practice session, where we discussed how we should generate powerful introduction that include "Message, Roadmap and Interest".

3. Song of the Day Yuki proposed “Love” by Nat King Cole, 1964. It was quintessential jazz song in the US. The lyrics express the essence of love. We achieved a more harmonious fusion of beautiful chorus sound.

Just before the song of the Day, Yuko re-invited Roxy to express her comments before leaving for an airport.

4. Prepared speech The special speaker Yuki inspired us with his communication speech "Where the leaders are made". Sharing a speech about the experience of developing a communication plan for Division C event and talking about the planning process, he analyzed effectiveness of an advertisement of several communication approaches he took in order to make the event successful and explained that the advertising effects of the face-face communication can be ensured, which we often forget, because with the age of cyber chatting, we are starting to push aside actual human contact in communication and emails, instant messages, or social media(facebook, you-tube) are all used.

5. Table Topic Master Table Topics Master Tomomi then led a fantastic table topics session centred around the theme of the evening: Fall Harvest. Sugar, Gacky, Kazuyuki and and Kazumi participated. Highlights included Sugar confessing to her favorite high calorie autumn food "Sweet potato", Mitsuse-area in Kyusyu travel plan in Gacky, radish and cabbage harvest memory in Kazuyuki and Halloween festival which Kazumi interested in.

After the table topic master, General Evaluator Masayo invited special brilliant evaluator – Bin for Yuki. Finally, Masayo evaluated our meeting.

6. Awards Best Performance Paul Best Table Topic Speaker Kazumi

7. Next schedule We will have Ginza Charter ceremony at Ginza Uni-Ku rental room on 25th November at 14:00. We will have the ceremony that include celebrations, song of Ginza, history of Ginza, charter ceremony, photo sessions, memorial speeches, entertainment, and Ginza strategy. Please join and have fun with Ginza!

************************** You are invited to celebrate the Ginza Toastmasters charter party! Please visit the following link and sign up the application form. Date: Sun 25th November, 14:00-17:00 Venue: Ginza Uni-Ku (銀座ユニーク)     #301 Large Meeting Room Charge : 2,000 yen

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