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GINZA! Winter Newsletter-January 2020

Hello and welcome to the winter 2020 newsletter!

Hope you enjoyed the festive season.

While we are just here welcoming a high fiving new decade, we would be grateful to reflect on the learnings & developments over the past 12 months and some looking ahead, ready with new resolutions, here’s our review of the past three months at GINZA as a part of our winter newsletter, and a few updates for this year.

It’s been an eventful few months – We celebrated our 3rd anniversary, welcomed new member (MOMOYO) and held collaboration meeting with Agora Speakers, and our members had achievement in the Annual International Speech Contest at the club level.

What’s in this newsletter?

•Ginza 3rd year anniversary party

•Ginza/Agora 1st Collaboration Meeting

•Annual International Speech Contest at club level – the result!

•Annual International Speech Contest (Area & Division) – looking ahead

•Upcoming dates and venue

•New members

-Annual International Speech Contest at club level – the result!

Getting inspiration into your speech is really a tough call. But our contestants absolutely crashed it the annual International Speech Contest (Japanese & English) at club level on Sun, 22 Dec at Kyobashi Plaza Kuminkan. Many toastmasters from other clubs pitched in to assist us to lead the contest and take up numerous appointment roles.

Drian won the English contest and represented the club to the area level contest. Drian was moving, funny and charismatic as ever, as we put it ‘Drian was a total rock star at the Area Contest’. Drian has been a consistent English contest winner at the club and his remarkable ability to come with wonderful speeches always takes us by surprise. This was a truly deserving win, and we wish him even more success in the next level contests. Meanwhile, Eva won the Japanese contest and represented the club at the area level contest and we trust that she will enthrall the crowd with her charming & hilarious speech. Drian and Eva, well done on your success. Last but not least, TOMOMI , 2nd winner for English and Japanese Contest will also represent the club at the area level contest. TOMOMI, congratulations!! Your stories inspire and motivate us.

And a big thanks to the orgnisers- VPE Yossy (Contest Chair) & President Gacky (Chief Judge) and all the helpers from Ginza as well as other clubs, including Ageo Toastmasters.

Contest Result

Our 2 contestants for the International Speech Contest (Japanese) :

1. Tomomi Takeshima "寒い日の思い出”→2nd Award

2. Eva Aoi "好きこそものの" -→1st Award

Our 4 contestants for the International Speech Contest (English):

1. Drian Van Golden "Ake-Tunde" →1st Award

2. Eva Aoi "What you really want"

3. Tomomi Takeshima "Where is the stage? Who is the audience?" →2nd Award

4. Yuriko Toyomasu “My Sunday" →3rd Award

-Ginza 3rd Anniversary Party

Last year we celebrated a three years of success. Ginza 3rd anniversary party was held on Sun, 27 Oct at TOYOSU TOWER. To mark the occasion, we organised a special party with some of our special guests and present performing functionary roles. The party commemorated with some fantastic workshop (Drian), English Rakugo(Tomomi), and table topic session (Hiromi).

There was welcome wine & beer, pizza & snacks, smiles, and a lot of joy. When it comes to enthusiasm, Ginza clan hits the spot.

And a huge thanks to the orgnisers- Gacky (Chair) Drian (MC), Yuriko (venue), Eva (agenda), Gacky & Yossy (pizza delivery) and Shinsaku (treasure)

-Ginza/Agora 1st Collaboration Meeting

We held the Ginza/Agora 1st Collaboration Meeting on Sun, 24 Nov at Kyobashi Plaza Kuminkan where we enjoyed prepared speeches: Max Nakano (Agora) "1st Agora Inter. Convention", Sugar "All About Tolyo Speakers", Drian "Raconteur", Eva "Modern Girl" and Cecilia (Agora) "When Sugar isn't Sweet" and Song of the Day by Gacky and Table Topic session by Hiromi. And a massive thanks to the organisers- Drian for organising and making the event a great success with its wonderful Agora members.

-Annual International Speech Contest at the Area and Division level – looking ahead

The next level of annual International Speech Contest will take place on Sun, 26 Jan at the Area level and Sat Mar 7 for the Japanese and Fri 20 Mar for the English at the Division level. Please put them in your schedule.

-Upcoming meetings and events

Our first meeting of the new year is on Fri, 24 Jan (Joint Meeting with Roppongi Toastmasters). Below are the dates of all upcoming meetings for the next three months. To learn more about the agenda visit our facebook group or our website for more info.

・Fri 24 Jan (Roppongi Meeting) at 19:00-21:00 at Takanawa Kumin Center

・Sun 26 Jan (Area 33 Contest) at 13:00-17:00 at CHUO WOMEN Center-Bouquet 21

・Sun 23 Feb (GINZA Meeting) at 14:00-16:45 at Kyobashi Plaza Kuminkan

・Sat Mar 7 for the Japanese and Fri 20 Mar for the English (Division C Contest) at Funabori Hall

-New member

Finally, a big welcome to our newest member – MOMOYO. We look forward to your speeches this year.

That’s it from us.

Here’s a to a fabulous 2019 and to all the Toastmasters at Ginza, who have enjoyed public speaking an essential part of their journey. Looking forward to more learning, training and winning in 2020.

Happy new year everyone and see you this January.

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