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Ginza! 22 September, 2019

It was another entertaining afternoon of prepared speeches and a workshop, on Sunday 22 September at Kyobashi Plaza Kuminkan where Ginza TMC held their last regular meeting.

1. Introduction

Gacky, President of the Club, welcomed everyone to the meeting then expressed a warm greeting to our guests and gave them an opportunity to introduce themselves and make a short greeting. There were 9 guests that included Sarah(Matsumoto TM), Yasunori Togawa, Mr. Mori (organiser of 100 NIN KAIGI CHUO(中央区100人カイギ)), Momoyo, Noelle (Yokohama & Hiyoshi TM)& Mr. Kumakura, Kenzo (Indonesia TM), Etsuko(Tokyo Debate TM), and Andy. He then introduced TMoD Yuki who explained the running order of the meeting and declared the word of the day "Persevere".

2. Prepared speeches

We got to witness our club members pitting their speaking skills against each other. Guests from other clubs pitched in to help us organise the meeting and take up various appointment roles. Our 6 speakers for the meeting:

1. Yossy " Anger management" (Effective Coaching #3-12 - Focus on the Positive - 2)

2. Yuko " Keep Going, Don't Settle" (Innovative Planning #1-2 - Evaluation and Feedback - 1)

3. Shinsaku " New project (short version) Code number:001" (Presentation Mastery #4-7 - Public Relations Strategies)

4. Yuriko " Around the earth" (Visionary Communication #1-3 - Evaluation and Feedback - 2)

5. Sarah " I don't care....about what?" (Competition & Other speeches #1 - Competition speech)

6. Sugar " I'm afraid of doughnuts" (Humorously Speaking #3 - Make Them Laugh)

The first presenter was Yossy who persuaded us to control an anger before it would control us by using the visual aids . He began with an argument that an anger would be a normal heathy human emotion, but when it would get out of control, it could lead to issues at work or at home. His speech then proposed that we should find out what it is that triggers our anger, and then to develop strategies to keep those triggers from tipping us over the edge. His presentation helped us to understand and control anger.

Next to deliver was Yuko who shared the lessons she learned about a hard climbing this summer and invited us to think about an importance of perseverance which keeps going, despite the hard times.

Third speaker, Shinsaku, presented a speech on how he would apply what he learned by toastmasters and developed a proposal for establishing "Toastmaster College" in Japan. It would be intended in his talk that the proposed new Toastmaster College would be a school where the public speaking will be taught and which will help us to increase well educated and trained speakers and leaders in Japan.

Forth to deliver was Yuriko who gave us a human connection story of her boss who helped her to grow as a business woman. Her talk told the story of truly beautiful work life and our heart was thrilled to witness he enriching experience. Thanks for sharing.

The fifth speaker Sarah impressed the audience with her heartfelt speech, sharing with us her struggle on her days with a young beautiful boy whom she was quickly hooked and absolutely gripped. This was a story of discovering that life would be nothing without love.

Last to present was Sugar who told a story of doughnuts with a full of humor. She began and concluded with jokes to illustrate points and kept us interest. Her unexpected humorous story led us in one direction, then at the last minute faked us by suddenly changing direction.

3. Workshop

The special presenter, Drian organized an excellent workshop titled "Impromptu Speeches", highlighting that "multilateral form" be the key to our success in impromptu speaking. His proposed form were; "Past-Present-Future", "Information-Interpretation", "Problem-Cause-Solution" and "Idea-Support-Conclusion". Some examples were delivered by the audience where they discussed features and improvements to the pencil. The workshop helped members and guests think on their feet and speak on a given subject in a short time.

After the workshop, General Evaluator Drian invited six wonderful evaluators: Sara for Yossy, Sugar for Yuko, Yossy for Shinsaku, Yuko for Yuriko, Shinsaku for Sara, Yuriko for Sugar. Finally, Drian evaluated our meeting.

4. Awards

Best Evaluator Sara

Best Speaker Yuko

5. Next schedule

We will have Ginza 3rd Anniversary Party at TOYOSU TOWER(豊洲タワー)on 27th October at 14:00. We will have the party that includes celebrations, English Rakugo, Workshop and Table Topics. Please join and have fun with Ginza!


Join us as we celebrate another Toastmaster year, at the GINZA Toastmasters Legendary 3rd Anniversary Party! Please visit the following link and sign up the application form.

Date: Sunday, 27 October at 2.00pm -5.00pm

Venue: The Sky lounge of Urban doc Park city TOYOSU TOWER B

Price: 2,000 yen (DRINKS and FOOD)


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