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Ginza! 28th April, 2019

Our last meeting was held on Sunday, 28 April at Kyobashi-Plaza-kaikan, in Ginza where we enjoyed a special workshop, song of the day, prepared speeches, and a great table topics session from the regular member with the guests.

1. Introduction

Yuko, President of the Club, welcomed guests and club members with an opening address for the value of “Listening”, and passed the floor to TMoD herself who explained the running order of the meeting and declared a theme of the meeting “Exhilarating”, which equaled the Word of the Day. She then expressed a warm welcome to our guests including Keiko (Yuriko's friend), Shan (from past Shibuya TM), Koh, and Miho Tanaka (Cisco TM) and provided them an opportunity to introduce themselves and make a short greeting.

2. Workshop

The energetic presenter, Yossy organized brilliant workshop titled "Global Leadership & Speech Workshop". His workshop was an interactive one that stressed the essential skills of leadership. Taught in an instructor-led format(preparation sheets), his leadership seminar was hands-on and practical. Beginning with a discussion about leadership and addressing background why Japan needs a great leader, he encouraged us to embrace the importance of global vision. During the first exercise, members and guests crafted a global leader speech, including some elements, for example, goals for the next two to three years, barriers that can prevent us from achieving or cause us to regress, and benefits we would gain. Following this activity, we completed achiever's leadership speech followed by some demonstration. In the demonstration led by Drian and Miho, we looked at change and actions Drian could effectively manage transitions and tremendous amount of work Miho had done.

3. Song of the Day

After the short break, the song master Paul introduced “I Feel Love” written by Donna Summer in 1974. He elaborated the background of this song and went into full detail about why this song is amazing. We clearly understand in his insight that the song is obviously a prototype of the techno, electro and revolution which we listen to today, and this was something different back then. We have been stopped for a moment back in 1970s thinking: What the hell is this? His view ensures that even modern people never get tired of this masterpiece.

4. Prepared speeches

The first speaker Yuriko delivered her Visionary Communication #1 -ice break speech- titled with "My second Home Town of London!". Her personal speech which introduced to the club was beautiful memorable moments Yuriko cherishes forever while she was in London. Sharing her emotion and thoughts regarding the sweetest memory with us, she appealed to us that her college life in London was filled with uncountable treasured events to embrace in her life, even bad dates!

Next speaker was Shinsaku, with his Presentation Mastery #11 - Using Presentation Software- titled “Using Presentation Software??". Using slides to support the speech, he took us back to Sengoku period (Period of Warring States) , where firearms/rifles were introduced from Europe to Japan and these had major impact on that period.

The last speaker Yuki impressed the audience with his heartfelt speech titled “Dear my protege”. Sharing with us his fights with his protege, Yuki explored the causes of bad times with his protégé and gave us some tips on how to deal with it. His powerful message "Receive, Summarize and Ask, and Appreciate" helps to ensure that we should keep it in mind on any matter with our protege.

5. Table Topic Master

Table Topics Master Sugar then led a wonderful table topics session centred around the theme of "ideal holiday" with her tips on use of 5W1H, where Drian, Koh, and Yuriko participated. Highlights included Greek stories in Drian, Thailand travel memory in Koh, selling her father house in hometown in Yuriko.

After the table topic session, General Evaluator Drian invited three wonderful evaluators: Drian for Yuriko, Gacky for Shinsaku and Miho for Yuki. Finally, Drian evaluated our meeting.

6. Awards:

Best Table Topic Speaker Yuriko

Best Evaluator Drian

Best Speaker Yuki

7. Next schedule

The next meeting will take place at Kyobashi-Plaza-Kuminkan, on Sunday, 26th May, at 14:00. Eva will do TMoD. Come over to practice your public speaking!26th May, at 14:00. Eva will do TMoD. Come over to practice your public speaking!

The next meeting will take place at Kyobashi-Plaza-Kuminkan, on Sunday, 26th May, at 14:00. Eva will do TMoD. Come over to practice your public speaking!

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